Numbuh 3 Couples

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!WARNING! The following content on this page are opinions only. We understand everybody has different opinions and/or views on KND couples, so we've decided to be as objective as possible (not!)Haha... Anyway, read on to find out more of what we think.

"Will Lizzie be there, too?"
As of the moment, we do NOT have a picture of Numbuh 3 and Lizzie. If YOU do, however, please email it to us at! Don't worry--we'll give you credit!
Overview: This is kind of a cute couple. I mean, they're both girlie girls, they love fashion, so they obviously have some things in common, right? In all likelihood, though, this couple will probably NEVER happen. Only in our dreams. :(
  • We've got ZIP! None! Nada! This is actually the very first time we're completely stumped. Do YOU? Email us!
"I'll be your friend!"
Overall: Nyaaaahhhhhhhhhh....they're too different. They're cute as friends, yes, but as boyfriend/girlfriend, or girlfriend/boyfriend, or girlfriend/girlfriend, or boyfriend/boyfriend? So what do they have in common? Like mindless zombies, they both love Rainbow Monkeys XD. Just kidding. And uh, they're both homosapiens. They're both (this is not confirmed, okay?) females. They both like Numbuh 4....maybe? Yes? No? They're both in the KND. AND....hmmm. That's about it.
  • In Operation: SLUMBER, when Kuki asked Fanny, "Will there be buttered popcorn?" Hmmmm......that come-hither, bedroom eyes look Kuki was signalling to her kind of made you think, didn't it?


"I LOVE you." ~
Wally in C.A.T.S. we're down to the creme brulee..or the cream of the crop. Perhaps the most popular uncouple on KND EVER! And who can dispute that? There's shrines EVERYWHERE dedicated to them, not to mention fan fiction after fan fiction and fan art. Phew! So why is this couple just so...POPULAR? Well, in Schlep's opinion, they're cute and it is just so obvious Numbuh 4 likes her, and it's cute watching him blush around her. What's NOT to love? WARNING! If you dislike 3/4, I'd advise you to stop reading this...NOW! POOF! BE GONE INFIDEL! Mwhahahahahaha..Anyway, let's talk about them some more.
  • There is so much proof for this couple, I don't even know where to begin. So let's start with the episodes in chronological order. In Operation: CANNON, toward the beginning of the episode, wasn't it cute when Numbuh 3 fell asleep RIGHT NEXT TO NUMBUH 4?! C'mon, that was cute. Why didn't Numbuh 3 fall asleep next to Numbuh 5 or 2? Or better yet -- why didn't she fall asleep in her bed?
  • CANNON: When Numbuh 4 is on his ego trip, he snuck into NUMBUH 3's room FIRST! Why not Numbuh 2's or Numbuh 5's? Huh? And after she kicks him out (recall the punching sounds and the toys thrown at him after he leaves) notice Numbuh 4 says, "Alright! Alright! I'll come back later..." Hmmm....
  • In MINIGOLF, at the end, when the gang are playing ping-pong with poor Numbuh 2 as the ping-pong, Numbuh 3 and 4 were one team with Numbuh 1 and 5 as the other. Hmmm...why not Numbuh 1 and 3 as a team and 4 and 5? Or why not Numbuh 1 and 4 as a team and Numbuh 5 and 3 as a team (boys against girls?)
  • OFFICE: okay, a lot of people think this episode has loads of proof, but we don't. It could be only coincidence that Numbuh 3 and 4's parents work at the same office. REALLY! BUT, Mr Warburton did not let us down (thank God). I mean, he could of very well had Numbuh 2 show up in that episode too, right? So, this is pretty much proof positive for the pair.
  • ARCTIC: Only one time, and that's when 30C says to Wally: That Numbuh 3's kind of cute... to which Wally retorted: WHAT?! Let's get back to business Slushball. AND, when Numbuh 3 is sitting next to Numbuh 4 and she says, "He's neeeeaaaaaaaat!" to which Wally retorted (again): Yeah, if you like penguins!
  • PIANO: When Wally's confined to a wheelchair, and the hamster replaces him...Notice when Numbuh 3 picks up the little hamster and says, "The NEW Numbuh 4 is sooooo cute!" And the hamster kind of winks at the camera? Ahhh.
  • QUIET: When Wally came back from his date with Lizzie, with lipstick marks all over his cheeks, Numbuh 3 notices this and starts teasing him: You're Lizzie's boyfriend! You're Lizzie's boyfriend! to which he gets extremely upset and starts chasing her around the room (just like your typical elementary school play yard- girl likes boy, girl teases boy so boy will chase her)
  • GROW-UP: Numbuh 3 swipes Numbuh 4's butt with a towel to which he cries out: HEY! Watch it! and later, when they're in the Delightful Mansion, isn't it cuuuutttttttte when they're sitting next to each other in the ice cream truck, licking away at their ice cream while all the action is going on? It's like they're so happy or contented at the moment (happy and content for 10-year-olds means eating ice cream and sitting next to your crush) that they're oblivious to everyone else! And in the credits, you see Numbuh 3 and 4 sitting up on the roof of the treehouse with their backs against each other, looking at the stars. It's adorable. Ohhh....

More 3/4 proof coming soon! (from seasons 2, 3, and 4) So come back.

<3 This is my very favorite 3/4 picture <3

M ore to be added soooonnnnn! Schlep's got school this week, so she's very busy, and Eric is working his butt off. So definitely come back soon. Click here to return to Couples.