following content on this page are opinions
only. We understand everybody has different opinions and/or views on KND couples, so we've decided to be as
objective as possible (not!) Haha... Anyway,
read on to find out more of what we think.
1/Lizzie "Love is zesty, zany, insanity, eh?" Sorry, we don't have a picture of her. Lizzie is Nigel's
"girlfriend girlfriend" on the show, and she does not belong to the KND or the Moon Base. She is just a regular gal, with
regular looks, but beneath all that "regularity" lies a (somewhat) jealous gal. Yes, she's obsessed with Nigel (who can blame
her?) and obsessed with taking pictures of him. Why? I suppose she wants proof he exists, or she just likes looking at him,
I suppose! Lizzie is chubby, with red hair and glasses. She
wears a yellow shirt, and a blue skirt. She's also somewhat daring(LEADER). She can be cloying and restrictive (DATE) or an
evil control freak (LIZZIE). In essence: she's your typical girlfriend! Hahaha! OUCH!
- From Operation: LIZZIE-- Nigel took her to the carnival, and they were holding
- Lizzie has so much unrequited love for her man that she bought him an expensive boyfriend helmet (when we get
the name of this device, we'll add it here)
- Nigel takes Lizzie on a "romantical date".
- Nigel made Lizzie an ice sculpture of a swan, and violins can be heard in the background when he presents it to
her: "For you, darling...." awwww
- From Operation: DATE-- Hmmm...Lizzie sure did have a lot of pictures of Nigel up on her bedroom
wall. Which leads us to believe that he spends a lot of "quality" time with her outside KND. ^_~
- Lizzie seemed upset that Nigel wasn't giving her his undivided attention at the Delightful Mansion during the
dance. Which leads us to believe that he probably does give her his undivided attention when he's not on a mission.
In the end, Lizzie and Nigel are holding hands....awwwww From Operation:
CAKED-TWO: Poor Nigey was upset with Lizzie because she betrayed, and we're paraphrasing, special "relationship".
- Toward the end of the episode, when Nigel is about to be defeated by the Delightful Children's "pound cake" he
sees Lizzie flying toward him, and says (we're paraphrasing) "You forgot one thing, Delightful Children--my crazy girlfriend!"
From Operation: LEADER: Nigie didn't seem to mind that Lizzie was sitting on his bed.
1/86 "We went to kindergarten together!"
This is the "1"
couple we dislike the most. Not only do they argue all the time, but he's British, she's Irish (or Scottish), and neither
has shown an interest in each other. He only tolerates her because she "outranks" him. In FUGITIVE, she undermined his leadership
and as a result, screwed up the mission.
They just don't seem to get along, unless we see some kind of miracle happen(like peace between the
Palestinians and Jews) and they do end up liking each other. "Like" is a very subjective word, though.
None, unless you count slapping each other, name calling, and power trips foreplay. If you disagree,
or have any other proof, please email us and we will gladly put your comments up here.
1/3 "Move it—big butt!"
T his one is kind of cute--though not likely. Numbuh 3 is whimsical, flirtatious,
and carefree. Numbuh 1 is more grounded, intelligent, and cerebral. He has also lost his patience with her on more than a
few occasions.
However , Nigel does show concern for Kuki's feelings most of the time and is always trying to cheer
So, yes, there is potential for this pair and I can see it working out in the future, only if Numbuh
3 grows a brain. I give it a 4 out of 5. Schlep gives it a 3 out of 5.
Really, that's all the "proof" we could find. Let us know if you've got more to add.
Overall: a pretty cute couple, if you're into yaoi. Yaoi is known as male slash, and Yuri
is female slash. I found that out tonight, thanks to Sunny :) Well, anyway, there's got to be SOME proof, right? I mean, I
hear 1/4's got a pretty large fanbase, so there's got to be some proof, right? For right now, all I can think of is that Numbuh
4 is VERY protective of their leader, and also VERY concerned about his leader: (BRIEF, LOCKDOWN, POP (they were in the soda
bottle together), HUGS when Nigel said, "Will you give me a huggy wuggy, Numbuh 4?" Ohhhh, so cute. And I personally think
this is proof: In Operation: CAKED, when Numbuh 1 snapped his finger, Numbuh 4 was ready to obey his master...I mean, his
leader. You got more proof? Email me and I'll gladly put it up here!
Overall: hmmm.....I'm searching...searching....searching.... Darn! I seriously
can't think of anything right now. Maybe Eric will, when he updates this page. Ummm.....the only thing I can think of is that
Numbuh 2 seems jealous of Lizzie and the time she spends with their leader. Don't you think that's kind of strange, too?
Many people think these two are too much alike to be a couple. But we beg to differ: Abby
is more laid-back and mellow. Nigel is obsessed with work and can hardly go a day without going on a mission. Only rarely
do they get into little arguments (COLLEGE, BUTT, BEACH -- I'm sure there's more just can't think of them right now. But Nigel
clearly respects her and trusts her opinions: look at FOUNTAIN, ZOO, and END. He may even have a crush on her. She clearly
cares for him: QUIET, JEWELS, and COLLEGE. All in all, we like this couple a little. Not the greatest, but... we give
it a 3.5 out of 5.
Operation ZOO: Toward the end of ZOO, when Numbuhs 2, 3, and 4 had rescued the rest of the children
from the zoo and Numbuh 5 was alone watching the bully kid, Numbuh 1 approached her alone and asked what she was doing.
Operation QUIET: Numbuh 5 sure was concerned that their leader get
some sleep.
Operation COLLEGE: Numbuh 1 and 5 are flirting
(yes, flirting! as 10-year-olds, anyway) near the beginning of the episode when they're making faces at each other. Also,
Numbuh 1 said to Numbuh 5, "You know I don't get ice cream headaches!" Oh, really..... Isn't that something only your
mother or girlfriend should know? Just kidding..... Back to top or Back to Couples