The Insidious Villains....oooohhhhh--it might get scary!

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Welcome to our page dedicated to those monstrous KND villains. (Be forewarned, though--this page may be the scariest place in cyberspace! Make sure your doors and windows are locked, all your lights turned on, your phone is plugged in, and there's nobody watching you through your window...scarrrrrrry!) 
The Villains

perhaps the scariest villain of all!
Vital Statistics (or what we know about him):
Real name: Mr. Wigglestein????? Maybe?????
Appears in: GROW-UP, TRIP, AFLOAT, TRAINING, SUPPORT, GRADUATES, ARCHIVE (we've probably forgotten a few)
Damage control: well, as far as we know, he's done, or is capable of, doing the MOST harm to the Kids Next Door. He's turned Numbuh 1 into a grown up (in GROW-UP), turned EVERY KND Operative (including Moon Base) into ANIMALS!, turned his own children (The Delightful Children From Down the Lane) into animals and didn't care; more information about him in Operation: ARCHIVE. His former name was Mr. Wigglestein. Tired of being slaves to children, he convinced every adult to join him so they can overthrow the children and turn them into slaves.
Why he's so scary: ONE acronym/noun  that safely describes him will explain why we're terrified of him: He's a W.A.S.P. !!!!! OH, the HORROR! Hahahahahaha.....we're bad. ;)

Vital Statistics (or what we know about him):
Real name: YOU know?! Didn't think so.
Voiced by: Dee Bradley Baker
Some random facts/info/opinions: He's our personal favorite because he's just so.....ridiculously ridiculous. I mean, the guy wears toilet paper roll on his head, and he uses PLUNGERS to climb up trees? How seriously sad is that, man? For a grown adult to go through that much trouble just to get rid of some kids. Not to mention the fact that even ADULTS disrespect him, for crying out loud! His number one enemy is Numbuh 4 (and we know why, too. Do you?) Well, he's not a serious threat to the KND, and he CAN come in handy: if you ever run out of toilet paper, he's your man. If you ever want to tepee your neighbor's house, he's your man. If you're close to getting caught, you can pin the blame on him. You can say, "I didn't tepee your house, good neighbor, it's THAT man walking down the street!" hahaha, we're kidding. In all seriousness though, the guy needs a hobby or some kind of extracurricular activity. Why not find him a girlfriend or something? If that doesn't work, find him a pet, or a JOB, or something, please!

More to come soon......In the meantime, please return to Main Characters